Are you Recruiting a Manager?

Management PPA reports to help you make your decision

- Personal Profile Analysis Report
- Management Interview Questionnaire
- Management Strengths
- Management Audit
- Leadership Skills
- General Questionnaire
- How To Manage
- Candidate Feedback
- Onboarding

Helping you make your next recruitment hiring decision

CVs and LinkedIn profiles can’t tell you a candidate’s true potential, and gut feel isn’t enough. As a reseller of Thomas International we are able to help you understand your ideal candidate’s behaviour, aptitude and personality traits.

Why you should use a PPA?

- Recruit the right person
- Improve communication
- Motivate and engage staff
- Identify areas for development
- Manage performance

PPA’s should never be used in isolation but are a great tool to help you make recruitment or development decisions. Our PPA's are powered by Thomas International.

Download Report Examples:

Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) Report Plus Management Reports - £175.00