Why InternalRecruiter?

A platform to help companies Recruit Their Own Talent


We help companies recruit their own talent, we specialise in 4 key areas:

Get your advert seen, view more candidates and engage the best from a network of ten million.

Track and manage unlimited applicants with simple and secure cloud-based software.

Forget costly bad hires with specialist assessments that inform your decisions for the perfect fit.

Revolutionise the way you welcome and induct to get your new employee off to a flying start

Our Approach

More and more companies are investing in their own recruitment and recruiting themselves instead of using recruitment agencies. 

Our idea is simple, help companies, of any size, recruit their own talent, by using the tools and applications that recruiters use, saving time and money whilst reducing the possibility of a bad hire. 

We have a team of expert advert writers, applicant tracking specialists and assessors to support you.

Let us help you Recruit Your Own Talent

About Us

InternalRecruiter has been set up by those who work within the recruitment industry.

We are owned by GPW Design Services Ltd who have worked within the recruitment sector since 1973. 

Not only do we have a team of individuals who will help you recruit your own talent, we have access a specialist recruitment network throughout the UK so if you decide you need a little more help and want to use a traditional recruitment agency we are also here to help.