How to Speed Up the Recruitment Process

No doubt about it, recruitment is a time-consuming process. In a competitive market where businesses need every advantage, speeding up the recruitment process deserves some consideration. Only by expediting your hiring can you find more candidates to help you fill job vacancies faster, thus reducing your time to hire and time to fill.

The Impact of Prolonged Job Vacancies

With prolonged job vacancies, productivity takes a hit. Inefficiencies set in, and a business will see lost opportunities. For a business to stay viable, it needs the best and brightest reporting for work.

Strategies to Speed Up Your Recruitment Process

By attending to certain aspects of the recruitment process, recruiters can complete the recruitment cycle in less time. Here are some effective steps to help you expedite your hiring:

1. Define Your Ideal Candidate

As a hiring manager, keep up with your organisation's current and future staffing needs. This will help you define your ideal candidate and how they might fit in as open positions present themselves. Understanding the job requirements helps you fill job vacancies faster and streamlines the recruitment process.

2. Streamline Your Recruitment Process

Too many applicants might seem like a good problem to have, but a lengthy recruitment process can be time-consuming for both the candidates and the recruiter. Consider consolidating or even eliminating the most time-consuming and less productive assessment tools. Utilise tools to automate most of your time-consuming tasks, such as communication and assessments, to make the hiring process more efficient.

3. Leverage Your Referral Program

Your employees already have a strong understanding of your work environment and culture. A solid referral program can tap into this valuable asset well. A strong referral program not only saves work but also makes for a faster hire.

4. Don't Hesitate to Make an Offer

Once you've identified your top candidate, act swiftly to avoid losing them to another company. Provide a well-considered offer as early as possible and stay open to negotiation.

5. Utilise the Right Tools for Recruitment

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can automate many of your hiring processes, making the entire recruitment cycle more efficient. It not only helps with faster hiring but also improves the candidate experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the recruitment KPIs to track the duration of job vacancies?

    • Time to hire and Time to fill are the metrics that can give you an idea of how long it takes for you to hire candidates.
  2. How can you streamline your hiring process?

    • Remove redundant stages and increase the difficulty of certain steps to reduce the candidate count.


The recruiting process is always challenging and jobs often need to be filled urgently. Every day a position remains open is a day of unrealised potential. Experiment with various methods to speed up the process. Different job openings require different tactics, but the focus should always be on the quality of your candidates. Streamlining your recruitment process will help you fill your job vacancies faster. If your organisation is looking for an applicant tracking system, we offer a free 2 month trial.